Kanji radicals
The archives EDRDG de Monash University were employed to complete this dictionary of Kanji ideograms. GOIHATA SL created the translations into Castilian Spanish.
Guide for use.
Kanji search
The archives of EDRDG de Monash University were employed to complete this dictionary of Kanji ideograms.
Here you will be able to find the Kanji (ideograms) by writing them out, by their different pronunciations, their meaning or their Unicode.
Guide for use.

Dictionary of Japanese ideograms
The easiest way of finding them and learning them.
Author and editor: Jon Goikolea
No. of pages: 230 pages
ISBN: 978-84-616-2546-8
- Only book in Spanish.
- The easiest way to learn Kanjis.
- ncludes all “official” Joyo ideograms.
- Rapid search of Kanjis using the DeRoo code table.

Free guide for commissioning a translation
Here you will find some useful tips for commissioning translation and interpretation services.