We take you to & from Japan


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Free guide for commissioning a translation

Here you will find some useful tips for commissioning translation or interpretation services.

Our services

We are like a fish in the water in different cultural and linguistic environments, and we offer a great variety of services to support our clients in contexts that lie out of their reach.

We specialize in Japanese, and we bridge the gap between different cultures; we offer translation and interpretation services, linguistic and cultural consulting, kaizen activities (continual improvement), information retrieval, market studies, voiceovers, localization, edition and desktop publishing (DTP), etc.


Translation refers to the work of converting a written text from one language to another, which is carried out by staff who are native speakers of the target language.


Interpretation refers to the work of converting spoken words from one language to another orally, which is carried out by experienced, professional staff.


We are very familiar with Japan, and we have an ample network of collaborators who can help you sell your products.

Kaizen Interpreter

Kaizen is “continual improvement,” a philosophy of work deeply rooted in Japanese culture.

Why us?


  • Because we have more than 20 years of experience.
  • We are very familiar with the culture of the two countries.
  • We have native staff and offer great added value at competitive prices.
  • We can build bridges between you and your Japanese contacts.
  • Your investment will be profitable.

Testimony from our clients

We were planning to attend a trade fare in Tokyo, and we knew that the Japanese customer was very demanding. We contacted GOIHATA so that they would take care of the translations of the printed material for the trade fair, and we requested an interpreter for support during the trade fair. Our agent congratulated us on the translations, and we obtained several orders during the trade fair. What a good decision! Both on the translation and on the interpreter. The interpreter had even reviewed the technical terminology in advance. We are going to work with them again!


Our clients

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